Monday, June 6, 2011

Dance Teacher? Summer Activities for Kids?

My daughter (age 4) took a little dance class from one of the Young Women in the Taylor Ranch ward and loved it! But the family is now moving out of state, and she won’t be teaching dance this summer after all.  I was hoping some of you might have suggestions for another dance teacher. She’s only 4 and at this point I’m not looking for precise technique or anything, just a little class she can have fun dancing in with some other little girls. 

I thought some others of you may be looking for summer activities for your kids too, so I’m passing along this info a friend emailed me.  Some sisters in the Taylor Ranch ward are putting on a choir class this summer.  Here’s the info if anyone else might be interested in it as an additional summer activity for their kids!  I’ve left off the name and the address of the home where it will be held. You can email Jessi A. at her email address on the TR ward directory online for more info (or send me an email and I’ll send you her contact info).
"Nothin' but Treble!"Summer Choir ClassBoys and girls ages 4-10 years oldWednesday at 2pm-3pm at the (member’s home near the church)  Starting date:  Weds. June 8thRunning through mid-August with a final recital before school starts back up
The cost is: $30 a month (4 classes per month) or $50 a month for families with 2 children in the choir.  The class includes choir instruction and also rhythm, musical history and general music topic instruction.

Anyone else have any good ideas for summer activities for young kids?
Thanks! - Susan A.

1 comment:

  1. National Junior Tennis League
    The National Junior Tennis League is a separate program for any player between the ages of 7 & 14, beginner and above. It is held at four court sites. Show up at the site you want at 9:00 a.m. on June 20th for both registration and the first day of lessons.

    Call the Jerry Cline Tennis Center at (505) 848-1381 for more information.

    Tennis Sites
    Days Held

    Jerry Cline, Aztec Park, Los Ranchos, Valley High School
    June 20-July 28 (six weeks)
    Mon - Thurs
    9:15 - 11:45 a.m.

    They are taking late registrations also!
    This is a great program for kids 9 and up.
